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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Free iPhone GUI PSD 3.0

Free iPhone GUI PSD 3.0

Apple’s official release of the new iPhone 3.0 software came a number of new graphic elements. the iPhone GUI PSD holding off updating the Photoshop file, Apple’s SDK is amazing, but when we need to mock up something quickly for a pitch we turn to this.

Some of the changes and additions in the 3.0 PSD include:
• Map and map elements including curl
• Copy and paste elements
• Timeline bar editor
• Horizontal iPhone
• Horizontal Panels bars and keyboards


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Pepsi Apologizes For iPhone App That Gets Girls

US soft drink giant PepsiCo has apologized for a free iPhone application crafted to help men seduce women and keep records of conquests but the program remained available on Tuesday.

Pepsi's "AMP Up Before You Score" iPhone application categorizes women into 24 types and then uses the Apple smartphone's Internet capabilities to link users to information about them and what they like.

AMP is an energy drink made by PepsiCo.

"Let's say you meet a girl who is way into being green and you need a vegan restaurant stat; we've got you covered," a voice-over maintained on Tuesday in an online Pepsi video about the AMP at YouTube.

"If you are anticipating a successful night, the Before You Score app gives you up to the minute information, feeds, lines and much more to help you amp up and talk to 24 different types of ladies."

Types of women listed in the application include punk rocker, bookworm, aspiring actress, artist, and sorority girl.

[via AFP]

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Apple Kills Jailbreaking in New iPhone 3GS

Apple's strikes again, sending jailbreakers on their heels

Apple plays what its CEO Steve Jobs once likened to a game of "cat and mouse" with iPhone unlockers and jailbreakers. Jailbreakers, like the iPhone Dev Team, try to release the iPhone from being limited to the official iTunes app store and other firmware restrictions, while unlockers, such as George Hotz, use the jailbreaks and other techniques to unlock the phone, allowing it to run on any hardware-supported network.

Usually the unlockers/jailbreakers seize the day, but occasionally Apple will win a round. Apple has tried many approaches -- everything from "bricking" unlocked iPhones to denying jailbroken iPhones access to the iTunes store -- to halt the spread of unlocking in the U.S. and force people to use AT&T, despite the hardware being capable of working on other carriers such as T-Mobile.

Now, Apple has managed to gain an upper hand over the persistent hackers according to iClarified, thanks to the release of a new bootrom, iBoot-359.3.2. The phone firmware, which shipped on new iPhone 3GSs starting this week, closes previously used doors to exploits.

[via Daily Tech]

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Free iPhone App To View Videos And Movies On The Go

The National Film Board of Canada is launching a new iPhone application that allows free viewing of hundreds of documentaries, animated films and trailers.

Users can stream a video as they watch it or temporarily store it on the iPhone, to be played back at any time up to 24 hours later.

The full list of videos is available at NFB.ca, where the films can also be viewed.

The NFB's was founded in 1939 and has since created over 13,000 productions and won over 5,000 awards, including 12 Oscars and more than 90 Genies.

[via The Canadian Press]

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No Refunds on iPhone Apps - iPhone Users Complain

There's some interesting developments concerning Apple's App Store

Competitor after competitor have launched their own app stores, but none have been able to come close to matching Apple's industry-leading iTunes App Store, which serves the company's popular iPhone smartphone. The App Store has suffered a bit in the past from controversy, though, with many developers unhappy with Apple's inconsistent approach to application acceptance.

Now, with Apple trying to put that controversy in rear view, a new one is brewing. Recently, there has been a growing user outcry, particularly in the influential business user segment, over Apple's no-refunds policy concerning App Store downloads.

With some apps like GPS applications or business applications coming in at $30, $50, or even more, users are becoming furious when these pricey apps occasionally fail or prove to be bug prone. With no returns, these users are out of luck, with Apple leaving them no recourse. Apple's policy explicitly states -- refunds will only be offered if the download fails.

These complaints have been given a prominent voice by a recent piece from Eric A. Taub of The New York Times. Mr. Taub writes, "None of this may matter if the most expensive app you’ve downloaded is a 99-cent virtual beer glass. Once the novelty wears off, most people can live with the financial loss. But asking people to spend $100 on an app that they haven’t had the opportunity to try and can’t return may limit its popularity. Even if you don’t return a piece of consumer hardware you purchased, you can always try to sell it to someone else. But an unwanted app remains yours forever."

[via Daily Tech]

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Free Ursula Mayes iPhone Wallpaper

Free iPhone 3GSGet a Free iPhone 3GS! Yes, that is correct! Stay away from the trouble of earning enough to pay for it for you can get it the simple way .... straight to your doorstep! Free! Interested? Then find out how to get a Free iPhone 3GS!

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Monday, October 12, 2009

AT&T Opens iPhone to 3G VoIP Traffic, President of Skype Responds

AT&T does the unthinkable and ungimps the iPhone

When it comes to VoIP on the iPhone, both Apple and AT&T have been quite restrictive with regards to what is made available to customers. Customers wishing to use VoIP programs like Skype on the iPhone have been relegated to using Wi-Fi instead of streaming data over AT&T's already fragile 3G network.

Perhaps the biggest battle came with the rejection of Google Voice. Apple flatly rejected the application citing that it would cause confusion with the existing phone features on the iPhone. Many people, however, believed that the snub came down directly from AT&T.

The block of cellular VoIP on the iPhone infuriated many considering that Blackberry devices running on AT&T networks have had access to such applications (including Google Voice). AT&T today even acknowledged the artificial iPhone blocks; "For some time, AT&T has offered a variety of other wireless devices that enable VoIP applications on 3G, 2G and Wi-Fi networks."

[via Daily Tech]

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20 Fantastic Free iPhone Apps for Parents

It’s hard to believe that a little device that’s the size of your hand can actually help parents become more organized, time-efficient, knowledgeable, even relaxed. However, that’s the beauty of an iPhone. The key, though, is to find the right apps to get you there, and with so many choices (more than 75,000), it takes time and effort to find good ones.

What follows is a list of 20 free apps that won’t necessarily make you a better parent, but can make your life a little easier, or help out in a pinch wherever you are. And when you have a screaming, bored, hungry, or need-to-use-the-bathroom kid, sometimes a little help is all you need. The apps listed below have been compiled from the eyes of a parent, but many can be used regardless of whether you do or don’t have children.

There are also several apps listed below that are ‘lite’ versions. These are completely functional, but just offer limited options compared to their more robust, feature-rich priced apps. What other great iPhone apps are you finding helpful as a parent? Let us know in the comments.

WebMD Mobile

WebMD’s iPhone app enables parents to look up symptoms and try to figure out what’s ailing their children. Of course, it shouldn’t take the place of professional medical advice, but for those cases when your child has a minor rash, fever, cough, etc., this is a great resource to try and narrow down what is going on, and prepare for a doctor visit if necessary.

[via Mashable]

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Monday, October 5, 2009

Free Denise Milani iPhone Wallpaper

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iPhone is the Only Major Non-Flash Phone

Steve Jobs still insists that Flash is irrelevant

Adobe Flash is one of the most widely used internet technologies for delivering rich graphical content. Mobile phones' inability to display Flash animation have limited their ability to truly get the "full internet". This problem has been common across the majority of smart phones from the iPhone to the RIM Blackberries, and across every carrier.

And now there is at last an incoming solution for most. Adobe has officially unveiled Flash Player 10.1, a new edition of its software that will unify full Flash Player support across a variety of platforms, including smartphones, netbooks, PCs, and other devices. Adobe is working closely with phone operating system makers to try to ensure no one is left out.

Betas will be rolled out for Google's Android OS and Symbian OS phones early next year. Meanwhile, Adobe has announced a partnership with RIM to bring the technology to the Blackberry smart phones. And a Windows Mobile, webOS (Palm Pre), and desktop developer beta of the Flash player will be rolled out before the year's end.

This means that by the middle of next year, just about everyone with a smartphone will have Flash and be exploring a richer internet. Everyone, that is, except for those that own an iPhone. Apple CEO Steve Jobs continues to insist that Flash is an irrelevant technology that Apple customers don't need and has refused to collaborate with Adobe.

[via Daily Tech]

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Friday, October 2, 2009

iPhone 3GS 3.1 Firmware has been jailbroken successfully!

iPhone 3GS users, I have got some terrific news for you. The twittersphere is buzzing with cpich3g’s latest tweet claiming a successful jailbreak of iPhone 3GS 3.1 firmware:

* iPhone 3GS firmware version: 3.1 (7C144)
* Baseband(modem) version: 04.26.08
* Tool used to achieve the Jailbreak: PwnageTool

You all know what this means, right? A Jailbreak tool for 3GS (Pwnage 3.1 3GS) is coming your way real soon.

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Free Sara Jean Underwood iPhone Wallpaper

Free iPhone 3GSGet a Free iPhone 3GS! Yes, that is correct! Stay away from the trouble of earning enough to pay for it for you can get it the simple way .... straight to your doorstep! Free! Interested? Then find out how to get a Free iPhone 3GS!

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