O2 Pays Dearly For UK iPhone Exclusivity
O2 to hand over up to 40% of iPhone service revenues to Apple
DailyTech reported in early July that Spanish-owned O2 won exclusive rights to the Apple iPhone in the United Kingdom. There were vague details of revenue sharing bantered about among analysts at the time, but today the concrete details have come to light.
According to The Guardian, Apple will rake in as much as 40 percent of the revenues generated by O2 customers using the iPhone. This is in addition to the commission and revenue sharing imposed by O2's relationship with Carphone Warehouse. Carphone Warehouse will be the sole retailer for O2-based iPhones in the UK.
"I can't imagine any of the operators agreeing to terms like that," said one UK telecom official. "It is an extraordinary number."
Read the whole article @ the Daily Tech

Labels: dailytech, iphone exclusive, o2, the guardian, uk
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