Hacked 1.0 iPhone Firmware vs. Official 1.1.1
9to5Mac has gone to the trouble of enumerating the myriad differences between using the hacked 1.0.2 iTunes software and the newly-released official 1.1.1 setup. It went into the details of the new updates and offered a nice chart. It's too complicated for me, though, so here's an "at a glace" graphic.
Yes, we're being a bit mean. But we do it only because we know that, in the end, Apple can still make everything alright, even if it comes well-after the iPhone makes its triple salto into mass-market orbit this holiday season. There's a lot a computer can do beyond make phone calls and surf the web, and chaining this little powerhouse down is a damned shame of PSP-like proportions.In the meantime, the only thing for it is to get a knitted iPhone, which offers something neither of these rivals can boast: cuddliness.

Labels: free iphone, free ipod touch, iphone, iphone brick, iphone firmware, iphone hack, itunes, wired
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